NYSSLS Updates:

NYSSLS Updates:

New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards Quick Guide

An Introduction to the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards

An Introduction to the Office of Curriculum and Instruction Science Page 

Introduction Webinar- Integrating Science and Language for All Students with a Focus on English Language Learners

Chemical Storage Guidelines- This NYSED publication is intended to provide school faculty and staff with chemical storage guidelines pursuant to New York State Education Law, '305(19) Chapter 627 of the Laws of 1989. 

 Application Form for Commissioner of Education Waiver Education Law §809(5) Treatment of Live Vertebrate Animals:

Education Law §809 (5) provides that no school district, school principal, administrator, or teacher shall permit the performance of certain specified types of lessons or experimental studies on live vertebrate animals in the school or during an activity conducted under the school’s auspices. These activities are prohibited whether or not they take place on school premises.  For example, a teacher may not allow a student to conduct the prohibited experiments on live vertebrate animals for a school-sponsored science fair, even if the experiment is conducted at a research institution.   Under certain circumstances, the Commissioner may grant a waiver from this restriction upon a school’s submission of a written program plan. The school district must obtain a waiver before the lesson or experimentation begins. Instructions for applying for such a waiver and the appropriate forms are provided in the document.