Burgard DASA Plan

Burgard High School is committed to providing all students, staff members, volunteers, instructional staff members, administrators, parents and visitors, a safe and civil educational environment that is free from bullying, harassment and intimidation. Bullying, harassment and intimidation of any kind is prohibited on or off school property, at any school sponsored function or field trip, or on a school issued mode of transportation.  Because we are dedicated to maintaining a climate of respect and responsibility, anyone who knows of such an act occurring is mandated to immediately inform the DASA Coordinator.

Burgard High School deems bullying, harassment and intimidation as an unwelcomed or unreasonable behavior that demeans, threatens or humiliates people either as individuals or as a group.  These unwarranted behaviors can be identified as a gesture, written note, verbal statement, graphic, electronic transmission or physical act, that could lead to the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Some examples of bullying, harassment and intimidation are listed below.




  • hitting, punching, tripping

  • kicking, pushing, scratching

  • damaging/stealing property


  • excluding or threatening to exclude

  • spreading rumors, gossiping

  • ostracizing, alienating

  • using threatening looks or gestures

  • extortion


  • name calling, teasing taunting

  • making offensive remarks

  • making discriminatory remarks

  • verbally threatening, intimidating


  • use of the internet or cell phone to harass, intimidate or degrade

Bullying and intimidation is punishable by, but not limited to:

  • parent conference

  • mediation

  • referral to School Social Worker

  • referral to Counseling Department

  • detention

  • referral to School Resource Officer (police)

  • in-school suspension

  • out-of-school suspension

  • immediate due process and/or formal suspension from school

Teachers will also follow the same procedure when reporting cases of bullying observed in class.

The basic procedures for how to report bullying are listed below:

1.      Report bullying either verbally or in writing to an Assistant Principal.  There are Bullying Incident forms in the front office, in the Counseling Suite, or in the office of the DASA Coordinator.  There will also be an electronic form available on the school website.

2.      Please provide any evidence, such as printouts of text messages or witness testimonies to expedite the investigation.

3.      Please include whether mediation would be enough to resolve this issue.

The investigation will ensue as such:

1.      The investigation of a report will begin at most 24 hours, one school day, after a report is made.

2.      A thorough and systematic investigation will occur.

a.       Both parties will be interviewed separately using the BHS Interview Form.

b.      Any bystanders who witness the event(s) in question will also be interviewed.

3.      In all cases parents of both parties involved will be informed of the incident.

a.       In serious cases the parents may be asked to participate in a meeting with the DASA Coordinator at which the findings of said investigation will be discussed.

4.      Severe cases may warrant the consultation of a School Resource Officer.

If the result of the investigation finds the report to be true, the outcome of the investigation may include, but is not limited to:

1.      Using the BHS Resolution Form, a plan of action will be created and agreed upon by both parties.

2.      The “bully” will undergo a series of appointments with the Student Support Team to discover possible changes that could be made in his/her behavior.

3.      The “victim” will undergo a series of appointments with the School Counselor for continued support and assistance.

4.      The “bully” will be asked to apologize either verbally or in a written statement. This apology can be administered either face-to-face or through the DASA Coordinator.

5.      Reconciliation between both parties.

6.      Mediation will take place between both parties.

7.      In serious cases suspension will be considered or formal suspension requested.

8.      The “bully” will be “tracked” to monitor his/her daily behavior.

If the result of the investigation finds the report to be false, the outcome of the investigation may include, but is not limited to:

1.      Reconciliation between both parties.

2.      Exclusion from a school event.

3.      In serious cases, an in-school or out-of-school suspension will be considered.


  1. An informal investigation will be conducted to guarantee that both parties are following the resolution.

  2. Further action may be taken if the resolution is not being upheld.

For More Information & Teacher Resources:

US Department of Education            www.stopbullying.gov

NYS Education Department              www.p12.nysed.gov/dignityact

NYS Center for School Safety          www.nyscenterforschoolsafety.org

Information contained in this policy has been adapted from Kidscape (www.kidscape.org.uk), The Bully Police (www.bullypolice.org), and The Model Antibullying Policy from the State of Michigan (http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Model_Anti-Bullying_Policy_with_Revisions_338592_7.pdf)