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School Attendance Counts

The Office of Attendance Improvement fulfills a vital role in the strategic plan for the Buffalo Public Schools. With New York State Education Law as framework, Attendance Support Teachers promote regular school attendance by providing various support services to students, their parents, classroom teachers, school administrators, and the community at large. The Office of Attendance Improvement is committed to the district's instructional blueprint for meeting the requirements of the revised New York State Learning Standards. The Attendance Support Teacher is an integral part of the instructional team and assists students in the attainment of their educational goals. They identify and assist students in overcoming barriers to regular, daily attendance. Attendance Support Teachers enforce state and district policies concerning at-risk, chronic and severely absent students. In our work with young people, Attendance Teachers communicate openly and honestly with students, their parents and classroom teachers and administrators in this unique relationship between Attendance Teachers, children and their parents that reinforces the link between academic success and regular school attendance.