The BPS SUmmit Day of Celebration June 1st  10:00am - 2:00pm All High Stadium - 2885 Main Street  Food, Fun, Games, Resources #seeyou at the summit You're invited

You won't want to miss this year's Summit as we've partnered with the Buffalo Bills, Highmark, and American Heart Association to bring even more exciting activities and vendors. Join Billy Buffalo in the football obstacle course or mechanical helmet ride! Learn CPR in our Heart Healthy End Zone! Visit with vendors and learn about resources around WNY! And much much more!

Plus we have free food off the grill, a live DJ, performances from our very own BPS students, and the BPS Cornhole Championships!

The Summit is open to the entire BPS community including students, families, staff, and our partners.


BPS Summit 2024 Flyer Full Details | 2024 Summit Transportation Information