Employee Wellness Resources

FINANCIAL  WELLNESS  Feeling secure in your  financial future and  making choices to reach  financial stability.  EMOTIONAL  WELLNESS  Being aware of your thoughts  & emotions and having a  healthy ability to deal with  life Challenges.  OCCUPATIONAL  WELLNESS  Finding fulfillment in the work you  do and maintaining a positive  work-life balance.  PHYSICAL  WELLNESS  Having positive habits and  routines that prioritize  physical activity. balanced  diet. sleep. and health care.  WELLNESS  WHEEL  INTELLECTUAL  WELLNESS  Expanding your knowledge and  skills. open to trying new things. and  staying curious.  SOCIAL  WELLNESS  Being a part of a community.  having meaningful  connections. and having a  support system to lean on.  ENVIRONMENTAL  WELLNESS  Being able to be and feet  physically safe in safe  and clean surroundings.  SPIRITUAL  WELLNESS  Possessing a set of guiding  beliefs. principles. or  values that help give  direction to your life.

Wellness is...

  • an active process through which you become aware of, and make choices towards, a more balanced life

  • a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving your full potential

  • a multi-dimensional and whole-self lifestyle

  • positive and self-affirming

Wellness encompasses 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, financial, and environmental.

Physical Wellness involves moving your body, eating healthy, good sleeping habits, managing your stress, and keeping your preventative medical and dental appointments.

Intellectual Wellness is lifetime learning, staying curious, learning new hobbies, being creative, reading, listening to educational podcasts and joining clubs that focus on engaging in intellectual interests.

Emotional Wellness is maintaining a healthy emotional well being, continuously finding ways to manage your stress, asking for help when you need it, taking care of your mental health by seeing a counselor or therapist, getting enough sleep and finding ways to be calm and relaxed.

Social Wellness involves having a support strong social network around you, surrounding yourself with people who provide you love, laughter, compassion and motivation.

Spiritual Wellness is the process of understanding beliefs, values and ethical that help guide you in a wonderful fulfilling life.

Occupational Wellness is recognizing the importance and satisfaction in your work, being enriched by what you do and having a passion for it.

Financial Wellness taking the steps to live within your financial means, planning for the future, learning good money management and sticking to a budget.

Environmental Wellness is taking care of your surroundings, de-cluttering, cleaning up, recycling, removing trash and organizing.

Buffalo City School District

In June 2017, the Buffalo Board of Education approved the District Wellness Policy.  The District recognizes that in order to achieve student wellness, well-being and academic success employee wellness must also be stressed, emphasizing the importance of creating a District-wide workplace culture that supports employee health and wellness. 

Resources for your 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Additional Tools & Resources