Five by 2025

Superintendent, Dr. Tonja M. Williams

BPS has laid out five major goals that we aim to achieve by the year 2025. We call it FIVE by 25! You can read more or download the Five by 25 document below. 

Five by 2025-•FIVE BY 25,  Eliminate opportunity and achievement gaps by providing  excellent and equitable student outcomes for all.  Access to educational excellence and accelerated learning by  assuring that all students have access to high quality  instruction that is cultural and linguistically responsive in all  classrooms in all BPS schools.  Prioritize safety, security, and wellness by implementing the  best in class safety, security, and wellness practices.  Amplify all voices and cultivate trust by partnering with parents/caregivers and community stakeholders.  Activate partnerships which will expand learning beyond the classroom and which will connect the community to the classroom.