
Cybersecurity is the shared responsibility of every employee and business unit. YOU play a key role in properly safeguarding and using private, sensitive information and state resources. The following are actions we all must take to remain vigilant and safe.

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Cybersecurity Dos and Don’ts

The following Dos and Don’ts help remind us all of actions we must take to remain vigilant:

 1. Secure Passwords:

  • Use hard-to-guess passwords with a minimum of 10 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Create an acronym for easy recall, like using the initials of a meaningful phrase.

2. Password Management:

  • Use different passwords for various accounts to prevent compromise if one is hacked.

  • Keep passwords confidential; do not share or write them down.

3. Protecting Information:

  • Avoid leaving sensitive information exposed in the office.

  • Use privacy settings on social media and refrain from sharing private details online.

4. Email Security:

  • Beware of phishing traps in emails; delete suspicious messages and report them.

  • Avoid clicking on links from unknown or untrusted sources.

5. Confidentiality:

  • Never disclose confidential information in response to unsolicited calls or emails.

  • Destroy unnecessary information properly, both in print and electronic formats.

6. Security Awareness:

  • Be cautious about surroundings when handling sensitive information.

  • Do not install unauthorized programs on work computers; verify with IT support.

7. Device Security:

  • Lock computers and mobile phones when not in use.

  • Report lost or stolen devices immediately to the manager and security representative.

8. Network Safety:

  • Avoid public Wi-Fi; use agency-provided virtual private network software when necessary.

  • Turn off wireless or Bluetooth when not in use and only enable them in secure environments.

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