Multi Lingual Advancement Banner of Student and Teacher Aide

Attention BPS Staff!

Do you or someone you know want to become a Teacher Assistant? 
Buffalo Public Schools is proud to share that we have been working in collaboration with the Hispanic Heritage Cultural Institute as well as ECC, UB, Say Yes, and Empire State College to launch our MiLPA program. 

What is MiLPA?
MiLPA (the Multi-Lingual Professional Advancement program) is a professional advancement program geared to multi- lingual employees of the Buffalo Public Schools. It is a pathway to an Associate’s Degree (AAS) and certification as a Teachers Assistant or in Early Childhood Education through Erie Community College (ECC).
What do MiLPA participants do? Participants are enrolled as regular ECC students. Courses are taken online or at ECC’s Downtown campus. Course times are scheduled at times that are convenient for working adults.

Can I really do this? Yes! MiLPA participants receive personalized attention for help with class registration and curriculum. MiLPA is designed to be offered at little to no cost to participants, and we will help guide you through financial aid options.

How do I sign up?
MiLPA Multi-Lingual Professional Advancement Launches Fall 2023!

Apply now!
See the attached 2 fliers that will provide more information on the MiLPA program and how to apply to ECC online.  If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Campion,